We are still playing tennis - and it's been a mixed bag results-wise for the both of us. Even though Al has a fractured rib, she has still wanted to get out there and recapture our golden tennis years of 99-00.
On Wednesday, we tried some new courts in Portland, Deering Oaks Park which runs close to the busy 295, not far from the center of Portland. Well, it was a good day for me - running out a 6-4, 6-4 winner with both of us playing well. Though Al, facing the busy road, offered the theory that the cars were putting her off! I thought it was the smashes I was hammering down, but could see that it had some validity to it.
So today, back to our quiet court in Standish, surrounded by trees and birds singing - and well, it harked back to 1998 when we first picked up the rackets in anger and Al would hand out near daily solid defeats since I went down like a lead balloon today - 6-2 and 6-0. Boy that hurt, and reflecting back on it now - I'm thinking the trees put me off! That's my theory and I'm sticking with it.