Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sammy is tagged...

After Friday's escape we took the opportunity while Sammy was at the vets for a lymes injection to also get him electronically tagged. All was going well until they bought out the tag packet, and the vet said 'they don't usually react or notice.' Well, Sammy certainly noticed - he screeched and struggled for a good 30 seconds while they injected the chip near his shoulders - he nearly jumped out of the assistant's arms! After that he was fine - eating a bribe biscuit in his usual joyful way. We left - we need to do it with Kiltie soon. I wonder if he won't notice too....


Jen said...

Happy Birthday, Sammo!

I'm sorry about the chip drama but glad he's home safely and now can be monitored. What a scamp! (Maybe we should also call him Scampy Sammy!)


Oliver said...

I love the name! Another one we call him at the moment is Samadoodle....