Sunday, June 15, 2008

A summer walk

This is one of our favourite walks. It's a trail a mile down the road and much of it follows the old railway line. A couple of miles in and you reach two beautiful ponds which we all swim in during the summer. Rich often runs on the trail while I sometimes take my mountain bike out. I'll post some of those pics another time.

Waiting for dad... patiently...

Finally we reach the trail...

Sammy rolling AGAIN....

Rich does 'urban Mid-West'...

First swim of the season and Sammy takes the lead... Sammy wasn't a big swimmer last summer but this year he's already sprouting his water wings :-)

Mucky puppy drying off....

Slow journey home...

Dirty and tired puppies on their way home:


Meg Wolff said...

It looks like everyone had a great day!

Alex said...

Hi Meg, thanks for dropping by! It was a lovely day :-)

Anonymous said...

Totally cute! I love the puppies! :)

Alex said...

Hi Kristin, I think that's you commenting.. Aren't they cute?!

love, A