Saturday, October 11, 2008

no it's not underexposed..its arty!!!!!

i know... we've been slack!

but here are a couple of recent photos of grace.
grace and her class mate and neighbourhood friend, juan. and grace with bright pink cast! she's in 2nd grade and loving it. the school here has been a really wonderful experience for grace. she definitely thrives in a large, school with lots of diversity.....quite a far cry from her little brixham school!


Alex said...

Oh I love it! I found some photos of Grace when I came over to the UK in 2003. Aw, too cute. We've been emailing, and she realizes that silly Auntie thought her bday was on a different date... something is in the post :)

Alex said...

wait, wait, how did I not see that little Miss, Grace has a pink cast...??? what happened?

laixinjie said...

These two guys are so positive, very good photos,By the way,I like custom photo mugs