Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Dan in Real Life

We watched this last night. Steve Carell stars, he of The Office (US). Not bad at all, A gave it 9 out of 10, while I gave it 2 out of 10 being a more tougher reviewer. Only kidding, it was well worth a 9, we rarely agree so that was something new. Now it's my turn on Netflix - I wonder what Iranian epics, set in the 1800's, two-parters they have....


fiona said...

hi rich

we love netflix! we don't have tv so this is what we such we have recently started to get interested in films...
we had ordered the 'wizard of oz' to watch on christmas day, but it arrived scratched. so we all ended up watching 'daisies' a czech indie film, which we had also ordered. it was rather interesting - even grace sat through the whole thing, subtitles and all!
also recently saw 'little miss sunshine' fantastic photography in that keep up the recommendations..we are newbies in the film experience!

Alex said...

I loved the film 'Little Miss Sunshine'! Did you like ratatouille? We saw it at the cinema and it was one of our all time favourites :-)

Rich likes to watch three hour Iranian epics... so he may not be the source for light entertaining films. We really loved the Year of the Dogs, though...

We'll have to get our thinking caps on. Did you watch Sicko?

love A

Alex said...

Rich, I just read your comment closely and I have to say that it's my turn on Netflix. Oh boy.