today grace awoke with the idea that she is going to change her name. does not like grace anymore and will let us all know in due course how she would like to be addressed (yes she is still 6).
then after repeated efforts to get her to tidy her room, for which she has found a million and other reasons not to be doing (although i actually can't blame her for this, as i am sure that such severe procrastination is hereditary and one of my most painful flaws), she calmly declared to me:
"patience grasshopper"
i have just resigned and am looking for a new job!!!
Oh my!!!! How adorable... Just adorable. I don't know what is more adorable... Grace (ahem... the girl formely known as Grace) renouncing her name, or her calling you a grasshopper!!
Love you!
I eagerly await the new name - any inklings of which way 'Grace' may go?
Oh my! I can't wait for all of this. Imagine if we'd stuck with Bear as a first name! What has 'Gracie' been watching (apart from Czech Indie flicks!)? xx
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