Thursday, March 27, 2008

Knocked Up

We watched this tonight. It stars Katherine Heigl, from Grey's Anatomy (Al's favourite tv show by the way). Anyway it follows a young couple after a one night stand, and pregnancy ensues (adult themes - sorry kiddos). It was OK, the first half much better than the last half - indeed we thought half an hour could have been chopped off towards the end without any problem. Al gave it 7, while I gave it 6.

1 comment:

fiona said...

we have been watching a series called weeds. it's also deals in adult themes but chronicles a suburban mother trying to make money to support her family after her husband dies prematurely. yep, she's dealing pot! (the theme is similar to the british film film 'saving grace'). anyway, we have been enjoying some of the sub-themes that seem to emerge..and its quite humorous! too!! my favourite scene was when a plane carrying a cargo of coca cola dropped its load slap bang onto one of the homes in the suburb. exploding and fizzing bottles of pop have devastated this couples bedroom (they are in crisis already so this is a great metaphor i think). as we sit and watch the comedic scene unfold, she emerges from the bathroom with the line 'i've got cancer'
talk about contrast!! well worth a look! and you can get it on instant download from netflix.